"Goomba” was a nick-name the author was sometimes called as a young child by relatives of Italian descent. It became a fun nick-name as a result of the antics that children do.

These silly rhymes are sung to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine" and may make it a little easier to encourage children for activities they may not want to do at a particular moment.

Goomba Songs

Bath Time

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You make me happy, you make me laugh,
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now it’s time for your bath.

Nap Time

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You make me happy on floor or lap,
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now it’s time for your nap.

Time to Rest

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You are so happy when at your best
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now it’s time for a rest.

Please Get Dressed

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You have awakened from your rest,
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now it’s time to get dressed.

Clean Up Your Room

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
Come sing with me this little tune,
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But it’s time to clean up your room.

Time Out

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
When you are happy or when you pout
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now you need a time out.

Do Things My Way

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You test my patience most every day
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But we’re going to do things my way

Go to Bed

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
Sometimes I know you make me see red
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now, you must go to bed.

Start Calming Down

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You run and jump so, so tightly wound
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But it’s time to start calming down

Don’t be a Poop

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
For you I’ll always jump through a hoop
You’ll never know dear how much I love you,
But right now you’re being a poop

Nay Nay and Pop Pop

You are my Goomba, my little Goomba,
You make us happy from foot to top
You’ll never know dears how much we love you,
See you soon, Nay Nay and Pop Pop

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